3.5 try

You have a new friend request.

Francis S. would like to add you. You have 3 mutual friends, including Jordan D., Lilia B., and Etienne R.

Would you like to approve this request? [Yes] [No]

You have ignored this request.

New chat invitation from outside your friends list. View? Francis won’t know you’ve seen this message unless you choose to respond.

Francis S.: Hey, so about the dry cleaning bill. You can gcash me 165 at (917) 555-2106 or you can just pay me in person?

Would you like to respond to this request?

Stephen G.: You must get me the number for your dry cleaner. It seems that the cost to dry clean a shirt is the exact price of a grande americano? Or is that a coincidence.

Francis S.: You’re sharp, Stephen. I thought I was being slick.

Stephen G.: You were, and it would have worked if it weren’t for you meddling kids.

Francis S.:

Opening profile for Francis S.

Francis S.
"Coffee addict. Explorer of new books, bad puns, and the occasional adventure. 🌍✈️
Living life one laugh at a time. #GoodVibesOnly"

You have 3 mutual friends, including Jordan D., Lilia B., and Etienne R.

Work: Sales at Mediaco

Location: Makati City, Philippines
Hometown: Quezon City, Philippines

Relationship Status: Single

New Google search: Can you check historical data on Facebook relationship status?

AI Overview: No, Facebook does not directly provide a feature to view historical data on someone's relationship status; the only way to see their current relationship status is on their profile, and any past changes are not readily accessible unless you have actively been monitoring their profile at the time of those changes. 

New message from Francis S.

Francis S.: So, are you accepting my friend request or nah?

You are now friends with Francis S. Say hello to him!

New message from Francis S.

Francis S.: Took you long enough.

 You have 2 new comments on your latest post.

Billy G.: What café is this? It looks nice!

Samantha M.: Billy, you know Stephen always knows the best places!

You liked Billy and Samatha’s comments.

Your new friend, Francis S. just posted a story. Would you like to see it?

HAAAALP! Need resto recommendations around Makati, preferably Jupiter / Poblacion.

Next story?

this looks nice but it seems a little loud?

Next story?


Parang pambansang first date place to ah 😂 

Next story?

Oooooh this looks promising

You reacted ❤️ to Francis S.'s story.

Leave a comment?

               Stephen G.: Such a flirt.

Cancelling comment.

New Direct Message: Francis S.

Stephen G.: Such a flirt.

Francis S. is typing…

 Opening Francis S.'s stories.

This story is unavailable.

 New message from Francis S.

Francis S.: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Stephen G.:
LOL I saw those

Francis S.: You weren’t meant to.

Francis S.: But you left me no choice.

Francis S.: Apparently, Samantha thinks you know all the best places. I wanted a fighting chance.

Stephen G.: I thought we were just getting coffee? Why are you looking for resto recommendations.?

Francis S.: I like to plan ahead. Coffee will turn into dinner which will turn into drinks and then…

Francis S. is typing…

Francis S. is typing…

Francis S.: ha ha never mind.

You liked the message “ha ha never mind.”

New story.

Loading image from Camera Roll.

Search music: you don’t have to try so hard

P!nk – Try
Colbie Callait – Try

Selected Colbie Callait – Try. 15-second preview loading…

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

Posting story.

Sheila M. likes your story.

New reply to your story from Evan L.

Evan L.: Colbie! Oh my gosh, where has she been?

Stephen G.: Apparently, still out here asking us to try.

Evan L. reacted 😆 to your message “Apparently, still out…”

New reply to your story from Queenie C.

Queenie C.: Looking good, Stephen!

Queenie C. loves ❤️ your story.

Who has viewed this story?

❤️ Queenie C.
Evan L.
Sheila M.
Alex S.

Refreshing page loads.

Who has viewed this story?

Queenie C.
Evan L.
Sheila M.
Alex S.

Nina B. likes your story.

Refreshing page loads.

Your story has new reactions.

Who has viewed this story?

❤️ Francis S.
Nina B.
Queenie C.
Evan L.
Sheila M.
Alex S.

New reply to your story from Francis S.

               Francis S.: noted <3

You loved ❤️ Francis S.'s message “noted <3”

 ♫: Colbie Callait | Try (2014)


New Google search: Is the three month rule true?

AI Overview. The three-month rule is a dating guideline that suggests waiting three months before committing to a relationship. However, some say it's not a one-size-fits-all approach and that every relationship is different. 

·        Pros - The three-month rule can help you move past the initial infatuation and see the real dynamics of a relationship. It can also help you identify red flags and decide if the relationship is right for you. 

·        Cons - The three-month rule assumes that all relationships progress at the same rate, which isn't always the case. It can lead to people rushing to make decisions, or ignoring their gut feelings. 


What to do instead: Focus on shared values and consistency, Trust your gut, Make decisions based on what feels right to you, Be patient, and Communicate with your partner. 

New Google search: How do I know I’m ready to date again?


AI Overview. You're likely ready to date again when you feel emotionally stable, have accepted the end of your previous relationship, are no longer dwelling on your ex, and genuinely feel excited about meeting new people and exploring potential connections; essentially, when you're at peace with your past and looking forward to the future with a positive mindset. 

Key signs you might be ready to date again:

·        Emotional healing: You've had time to process your feelings from your last relationship and are not stuck in negative emotions like anger or resentment towards your ex. 

·        Self-reflection: You've reflected on what went wrong in your past relationship and learned from the experience. 

·        Positive self-image: You feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. 

·        Openness to new people: You're genuinely interested in getting to know new people without comparing them to your ex. 

·        Enjoying your own company: You are able to have fun and engage in activities on your own. 

·        Clear intentions: You know what you're looking for in a partner and have realistic expectations. 


Important considerations:

·        Don't rush: Everyone heals at their own pace, so don't feel pressured to jump back into dating too soon. 

·        Listen to your gut: If you feel hesitant or uncomfortable about dating again, it might be a sign that you need more time. 

·        Seek support: If you're struggling to move on, consider talking to a therapist or trusted friend.  


  1. Replies
    1. As the sole reader of this series HAHA thank you for the support! 🤍

    2. Nah, for sure there are other silent readers. Ako lang yung madaming ebas. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. Ang galing ah modern flirtation


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