WAIT. Okay, so here goes another disclaimer. I said to myself I’d stop doing these but I think for this particular post, there are so many things that I need to explain. For the longest time, I’ve been wanting to do a concept post like Tori’s American Doll Posse. In 2007, she introduced five women: Isabel, Clyde, Pip, Santa and Tori. Each woman had her own personality. Each had a story to tell. I remember listening to that record feeling completely blown away. I said to myself that one day, I would try it for myself.
This isn't the first time that a blogger changed personalities for a specific post. For example. Victor becomes Greg when the need arises. In Journal No. 257, Manech experimented with the differently-abled. I took a story that was in the back-burner for a few weeks and thought of the best refraction of myself to bring it to life. It was quite an effort. I don’t think I’ve pushed myself this much to write in a while but I hope that it was all worth it in the end.
So anyway, without further ado, my first post in Jeje-nese! Enjoy!
sBe nila, lHat ng ta0 may kwent0.,cgUr0, if u sAw me iN pers0nal, dI m0 maiicp nA andAme q naNg npaGdaanan. gNun nmAn kCe ak0, jAz go wid dA flow,. sbe ngA niLa. waLang em0, wlaNg k0mpliKasyon.
,gBi gbi aq nglalakad s cuBao.., cguRo meI hnaHnap aQ, im nAt sUr. pAg gnTo n kC khBa yung kwent0, nkKlit0. cgUr0, cmUlan q nlAng nunG bta paq. yUn ung lSt tym nA i feEl I am mE.. nA walaNg nagdIdiktA qng cNo aq dPat.. nMatay aNg nAnay. hLos syA lang aNg ngPalaki sKen. nUng laMay q na uNang nkta si pApa. iNiwan nya kc kMe bGo ako napaNganak. mGulo unG tIme na un, uNa, bTa pA tlga aq nun., bu0ng buhAy k0, dI q nmAn klala c paPa. ngaun, I nid to liVe wid hIm daw.
,.tHimiK c papA sa bYahe. dNala nyA aq sa maYnila. fIrst tym k0 nuN. sbe nYa mnunu0d daW kme ng cNe. sAkto! firSt ulEt. 6Th sEnze., nkakatAk0t., bGo mgcMula unG m0vie, sbe nyA bibilE dw sIya ng p0pc0rn,, anG s2pd k0 lng kce di q tlGa alAm wat is dat aLl ab0ut. npanCn nyA atA na natak0t aq, sbe nYa, be bRave, anaK. baBalik agAd aNg daDdy. mlUngkot mukha niyA.., cgUro nalUlungk0t sya dhIl kei nAnay,.
nAg-cmUla na uNg m0viE per0 wlA priN si paPa. gRabe, s0brang ntk0t aQ dun sA m0viE per0 inAlala q ung sbe ni pA na be braVe daw. dI k0 nmaLayan na ntp0s nA unG m0vie eH wlA prIn xa. nKailanG ulet pa uNg m0vie pr0 wla prin xa. gnCng aq ng gUard nuNg nagsAra na cLa. ksMa k0 sI paPa nunG puMasok ak0 sA sInehaN per0 mAg-iSa nak0ng lumaBas. aNg lamig-lamEg nUng gabIng 'yUn. dI ko aLam san aq pUpunta kYa nAglAkad-lAkad nlang aq hAnggang sA mapag0d.
..,lIfe go On, ganUn nmAn tlgA. mDameng plAboy sa cuba0. mdAme kmIng nkatIra sa mgA madidIlim nA eskInita. kYa dI nmAn ak0 msyad0 nhraPan. ntUtunan k0 unG kalaKaran ng buHay sa labaS, yUng linggwaHe ng kalsaDa.,. pr0 dI ko mpGlan na tuwIng maY nkKta akoNg kamukhA ni paPa.,. nagbaBakasakAli aqng xa yuN. sBe nilA, cnadYa daw nI paPang dI buMalik. nA ntk0t sYa sa resp0nsiBilidaD. aYuk0 icpin yUn. bSta paG mhaNp k0 sYa, aLam k0 na maY dhIlan t0 lhat.
ngAun, paB0ooking aq sA sInEhan... cMple lng nMan anG gnT0ng trbh0. kaIlangAn lng ng kpAl ng muKha at lkAs ng lu0b., mdAMI aqng cosTumer,. iba'T iBang klce ng ta0. mdLas mgA mtaTandang bkLa. aUs lng nmAn sken. yUng cnEhan nu0n, buHay prEn per0 iBang iba nA unG mgA ta0 ngaUn,,. datE kc mgA pmilYa, mgA btA, mgA mag-j0wa anG nanunu0d dit0. ngaUn, puR0 gAy at mgA ktulaD ko nAlaNg ang puMipila sa tikEtan. nagkAkapAan sA dilIm,. preh0ng gust0ng makara0s, mkAtawiD sA bUhay sa lBas ng cnehAn. tulAd nI paPa, madalAs umaalIs sila kaAgad,.nsAnay na ak0 na man0od ng cnE mag-iSa., pagkatap0s labAsan, magaab0t nlang ng perA tapos ni thaNks u, walAng sasabhen.
,.cgur0 nmAn alAm ng mgA tao kunG an0 aq,. tInitgnAn nilA aq, prAng may juDgementaL sa matA nila. maY isa, iLang lingGo nAng duMadaan,. gAy, di katangkAran,. nsA mAy trntA na rin yung edAd., tUmitingEn, pag ngingitiAn ko nmAn, bigLang titIngin sa baBa. prang gAgo. iSang gbe, kNausap k0 na. aNg kulet kc eh,. nLapiTan k0, saBay nag-uNat prA mkitA nya ktWan ko, k0ntIng kamByo, dI na nakatIis., sbE k0 sbAyan nyA aq maGlkad. sun0d nmAn sYa. ehEh
,an0 kyA saLtik nit0ng ta0nG it0? thMik siYa,. di mKatinGin sa maTa. cniMulan k0ng makipAgusAp. pAngalan, eDad, mgA ganUn., dI talAga sya nagsAsalitA. aKala k0 nga pipI eh. daDalhin k0 na sYa sa sinEhan nung bgLa sIyang nagsAlita.
.,waG diyan, wAg munA. sbE niYa. e saAn?? tnung k0,. bSta.,.
ngLakad kmE hangGang sa nkAratIng kmE sa may SM. umuPo kme dUn sa haGdanan, nkaHarap sa mgA builDing., thImik prIN siYa,. prAng tk0t na tk0t. gnIt0 ba nkIta ni pApa skEn nUng kumuhA xa ng poPc0rn?,
.,pano ba t0 ngccmulA? tn0ng niya., bBgay k0 n b sau uNg perA?, an0ng ggwin nteN? anDami nyaNg tan0ng,. praNg antgaL na niYa t0ng pnagIisiPan. bglA k0 syang ngEts. tak0t, mlmAng. ,.first tym m0 ba? tn0ng k0. tumUngo syA.
.,mtgaL n ktAng pnaPanaood., ibA ka s kNila eh,. sbe niYa. prAng dI k bgay sA gngwA m0. pn0 ka bA nagIng ganyaN?
pAg tnatan0ng ak0 ng mga costUmer k0 ng gan0n, mdalAs, pinaiik0t k0 silA,. kuNg an0 an0 knikwent0 ko, mInsan triPper lang aq, dala ng lib0g,.. paG mukhaNg myamAn, cncbE ko n may skit l0la q., at gngwa k0 lng t0 prA may pambilE ng gm0t.., di k0 alaM qng an0 nangyarE,. bakIt yunG tot00 cnbe ko.. knwent0 ko si naNay, lhat ng naAalala k0, yung b0ses nya pag kumAkanta siya, yung am0y ng giSa sa kusIna nmEn pag naglulut0 siYa,. yuNg araW na naglaSlas siya,. kinwent0 k0 si paPa, ung p0pc0rn,. yUng paghAhanAp k0 sa kanYa khet ilaNg ta0n nA lumiPas., kinwenT0 k0 yung mgA nagi k0ng kaibIgan sa lbas ng sinehAn. ngUlat ak0 sa nanGyare,. bakIt k0 nakwEnto yuNg mga yUn e di k0 nman xa kacl0se. yUng mga ut0l ko ngA, di k0 makausAp ng gn0n.,.sa tutuo lanG.. pwEra barbEro.. nging k0mportablE ak0 sa kanIya. khEt kaKakilalA k0 plAng sa knIya, filing k0, magkabAbata kmi,. nkInig siyA nang wLang paghUhusgA. nakatIngin lng siya sa rabber sh0es k0,.nkikInig, nagmAmasId.,
,.hUy,. mag-aMbag ka nmAn sa kwEntuhan.. binir0 ko siYa. an0ng iniiCp mo?
.,di k0 alam,. naKiking ako. medy0 nangInginiG b0ses nya. iniIcp ko cncbe m0. maluNgk0t..nakakalUngk0t. tinItignAn ko siYa, malungk0t nga mukHa nyA. suMama l00b k0 na nagIng malungk0t sIya dahIl sa kwEnt0 ko.
nalUlungk0t ak0 sa kwent0 m0 kasE dI mo deserVed 'yUng ganon. niYakap niYa mga brAs0 niya,. s0brang higpit, namula yuNg balat.. dI ko mainTindihaN naraRamdaman k0, per0 nunG cncbE nyA yun,.nunG pinanod ko ginGwa nYa prAng gust0 ko syaNg kumUtan,. ntAwa nga ak0, sa isIp iSip k0, srile ko ngA di k0 maAlagaAn, siyA pa kYa?
bakIt ba kasi sa iy0 pa koH 'nagKagust0? bul0ng niyA sa srile. nKatingIn siyA sa mlayo. mayA mya, nag-aYa na sIyang man0od ng sIne,. ak0 na bumiLi ng tiCket, tp0s sa l0ob umup0 kamI sa may lik0d. hal0s wlAng laMan yunG sineHan, mangilan-ilAng anin0 lang..,
nUng ngcmUla na yUng pelikula, binaBa ko na ziPper ko,. ganUn nmAn pratI yun eh sbaY ab0t sa kmaY niyA. ngUlat nlAng ak0 sa ginWa niyA. imBis na hAwakan ak0 du0n, binAlot niyA kamay k0 sa kaMay niyA., pag gan0n, mdalaS tinatAbig ko yunG c0stumer. haseL lang yun eh. di k0 tlga maexplaIned ng mabUte kunG bakit per0 di k0 yun ginAwa,. nUng unA kamIng naghAwak, prAng may k0ntIng kuryentE. nkaKaadik,siniKipan ko pa lal0 yUng kapIt ko sA kanYa.
maYa myA, natap0s yuNg m0vie, mgkahaWak prIn kami ng kamaY. nung bInuksan na yUng ilaw, biglA siyAng bumiTaw. dumUk0t sa buLsa sbAy nagAb0t ng pEra,.
,.bro, slMat ha. sbi ko. humIngi sYa ng pseNsya kc yUn lng dAw kya niYa tap0s naglaKad paAlis.
,.wait lang, sbE ko. dI nmAn yUn ung dhLan bat Ak0 naGpsaLamat.
.,bKit k nagppSalmat? tn0ng niYa.
inIsip k0 kung sSbhIn ko, na kUng msYado nA ba aqng ngiGing komp0rtable. tInignan ko siYa sa maTa. di nMan niYa inalis yUng tingin nyA. tanGina ak0 nMan kinaBahan.
,.firSt tyM k0 kce mno0d nG m0viE na mAy ksMa. ngUmiti sYa., tp0S prAng may sSbihiN siYa per0 di nIya tinul0y. ngumIti siYa ulit tap0s lumaBas na ng sinEhan. inisIp k0 kuNg makikiTa ko pa kaYa siya?
fIrst tyM ko kcE man0od ng m0vIe n maY ksMa. yUn lng nsBe k0 sa knYa pr0 sa tutu0 lng, andamE k0ng gust0ng sbHin. di k0 mainTindihan kung an0 nangyarI. magpApara0s lang nman kMe dpaT. dapAt aalIs din sIya agad. an0ng nangyare? nUng nakaup0 kme duon, magkhaWak aNg amiNg kamaY,. pkIramdam k0 i aM righT weR i bel0ng., praNg sa lakI ng siyUdad, sa dInamI damI ng lugAr na pwEdeng puntaHan at ta0 na makAkasAma, sakt0 lNg ung knalaLagyan q. dI k0 kaIlangan magpUnta kuNg saAn maN. pKiramdaM ko, sa uNang pagkaKataon, I am hoMe.
may milyon-mily0ng ta0 sa pIlipinas., sabI nila, lHat daW tay0 may kwent0., ikAw, an0ng kwent0 mo?
♫: Maldita | Porque (2011)
Co-conspirator: manilabitch
This isn't the first time that a blogger changed personalities for a specific post. For example. Victor becomes Greg when the need arises. In Journal No. 257, Manech experimented with the differently-abled. I took a story that was in the back-burner for a few weeks and thought of the best refraction of myself to bring it to life. It was quite an effort. I don’t think I’ve pushed myself this much to write in a while but I hope that it was all worth it in the end.
So anyway, without further ado, my first post in Jeje-nese! Enjoy!
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,gBi gbi aq nglalakad s cuBao.., cguRo meI hnaHnap aQ, im nAt sUr. pAg gnTo n kC khBa yung kwent0, nkKlit0. cgUr0, cmUlan q nlAng nunG bta paq. yUn ung lSt tym nA i feEl I am mE.. nA walaNg nagdIdiktA qng cNo aq dPat.. nMatay aNg nAnay. hLos syA lang aNg ngPalaki sKen. nUng laMay q na uNang nkta si pApa. iNiwan nya kc kMe bGo ako napaNganak. mGulo unG tIme na un, uNa, bTa pA tlga aq nun., bu0ng buhAy k0, dI q nmAn klala c paPa. ngaun, I nid to liVe wid hIm daw.
,.tHimiK c papA sa bYahe. dNala nyA aq sa maYnila. fIrst tym k0 nuN. sbe nYa mnunu0d daW kme ng cNe. sAkto! firSt ulEt. 6Th sEnze., nkakatAk0t., bGo mgcMula unG m0vie, sbe nyA bibilE dw sIya ng p0pc0rn,, anG s2pd k0 lng kce di q tlGa alAm wat is dat aLl ab0ut. npanCn nyA atA na natak0t aq, sbe nYa, be bRave, anaK. baBalik agAd aNg daDdy. mlUngkot mukha niyA.., cgUro nalUlungk0t sya dhIl kei nAnay,.
nAg-cmUla na uNg m0viE per0 wlA priN si paPa. gRabe, s0brang ntk0t aQ dun sA m0viE per0 inAlala q ung sbe ni pA na be braVe daw. dI k0 nmaLayan na ntp0s nA unG m0vie eH wlA prIn xa. nKailanG ulet pa uNg m0vie pr0 wla prin xa. gnCng aq ng gUard nuNg nagsAra na cLa. ksMa k0 sI paPa nunG puMasok ak0 sA sInehaN per0 mAg-iSa nak0ng lumaBas. aNg lamig-lamEg nUng gabIng 'yUn. dI ko aLam san aq pUpunta kYa nAglAkad-lAkad nlang aq hAnggang sA mapag0d.
..,lIfe go On, ganUn nmAn tlgA. mDameng plAboy sa cuba0. mdAme kmIng nkatIra sa mgA madidIlim nA eskInita. kYa dI nmAn ak0 msyad0 nhraPan. ntUtunan k0 unG kalaKaran ng buHay sa labaS, yUng linggwaHe ng kalsaDa.,. pr0 dI ko mpGlan na tuwIng maY nkKta akoNg kamukhA ni paPa.,. nagbaBakasakAli aqng xa yuN. sBe nilA, cnadYa daw nI paPang dI buMalik. nA ntk0t sYa sa resp0nsiBilidaD. aYuk0 icpin yUn. bSta paG mhaNp k0 sYa, aLam k0 na maY dhIlan t0 lhat.
ngAun, paB0ooking aq sA sInEhan... cMple lng nMan anG gnT0ng trbh0. kaIlangAn lng ng kpAl ng muKha at lkAs ng lu0b., mdAMI aqng cosTumer,. iba'T iBang klce ng ta0. mdLas mgA mtaTandang bkLa. aUs lng nmAn sken. yUng cnEhan nu0n, buHay prEn per0 iBang iba nA unG mgA ta0 ngaUn,,. datE kc mgA pmilYa, mgA btA, mgA mag-j0wa anG nanunu0d dit0. ngaUn, puR0 gAy at mgA ktulaD ko nAlaNg ang puMipila sa tikEtan. nagkAkapAan sA dilIm,. preh0ng gust0ng makara0s, mkAtawiD sA bUhay sa lBas ng cnehAn. tulAd nI paPa, madalAs umaalIs sila kaAgad,.nsAnay na ak0 na man0od ng cnE mag-iSa., pagkatap0s labAsan, magaab0t nlang ng perA tapos ni thaNks u, walAng sasabhen.
,.cgur0 nmAn alAm ng mgA tao kunG an0 aq,. tInitgnAn nilA aq, prAng may juDgementaL sa matA nila. maY isa, iLang lingGo nAng duMadaan,. gAy, di katangkAran,. nsA mAy trntA na rin yung edAd., tUmitingEn, pag ngingitiAn ko nmAn, bigLang titIngin sa baBa. prang gAgo. iSang gbe, kNausap k0 na. aNg kulet kc eh,. nLapiTan k0, saBay nag-uNat prA mkitA nya ktWan ko, k0ntIng kamByo, dI na nakatIis., sbE k0 sbAyan nyA aq maGlkad. sun0d nmAn sYa. ehEh
,an0 kyA saLtik nit0ng ta0nG it0? thMik siYa,. di mKatinGin sa maTa. cniMulan k0ng makipAgusAp. pAngalan, eDad, mgA ganUn., dI talAga sya nagsAsalitA. aKala k0 nga pipI eh. daDalhin k0 na sYa sa sinEhan nung bgLa sIyang nagsAlita.
.,waG diyan, wAg munA. sbE niYa. e saAn?? tnung k0,. bSta.,.
ngLakad kmE hangGang sa nkAratIng kmE sa may SM. umuPo kme dUn sa haGdanan, nkaHarap sa mgA builDing., thImik prIN siYa,. prAng tk0t na tk0t. gnIt0 ba nkIta ni pApa skEn nUng kumuhA xa ng poPc0rn?,
.,pano ba t0 ngccmulA? tn0ng niya., bBgay k0 n b sau uNg perA?, an0ng ggwin nteN? anDami nyaNg tan0ng,. praNg antgaL na niYa t0ng pnagIisiPan. bglA k0 syang ngEts. tak0t, mlmAng. ,.first tym m0 ba? tn0ng k0. tumUngo syA.
.,mtgaL n ktAng pnaPanaood., ibA ka s kNila eh,. sbe niYa. prAng dI k bgay sA gngwA m0. pn0 ka bA nagIng ganyaN?
pAg tnatan0ng ak0 ng mga costUmer k0 ng gan0n, mdalAs, pinaiik0t k0 silA,. kuNg an0 an0 knikwent0 ko, mInsan triPper lang aq, dala ng lib0g,.. paG mukhaNg myamAn, cncbE ko n may skit l0la q., at gngwa k0 lng t0 prA may pambilE ng gm0t.., di k0 alaM qng an0 nangyarE,. bakIt yunG tot00 cnbe ko.. knwent0 ko si naNay, lhat ng naAalala k0, yung b0ses nya pag kumAkanta siya, yung am0y ng giSa sa kusIna nmEn pag naglulut0 siYa,. yuNg araW na naglaSlas siya,. kinwent0 k0 si paPa, ung p0pc0rn,. yUng paghAhanAp k0 sa kanYa khet ilaNg ta0n nA lumiPas., kinwenT0 k0 yung mgA nagi k0ng kaibIgan sa lbas ng sinehAn. ngUlat ak0 sa nanGyare,. bakIt k0 nakwEnto yuNg mga yUn e di k0 nman xa kacl0se. yUng mga ut0l ko ngA, di k0 makausAp ng gn0n.,.sa tutuo lanG.. pwEra barbEro.. nging k0mportablE ak0 sa kanIya. khEt kaKakilalA k0 plAng sa knIya, filing k0, magkabAbata kmi,. nkInig siyA nang wLang paghUhusgA. nakatIngin lng siya sa rabber sh0es k0,.nkikInig, nagmAmasId.,
,.hUy,. mag-aMbag ka nmAn sa kwEntuhan.. binir0 ko siYa. an0ng iniiCp mo?
.,di k0 alam,. naKiking ako. medy0 nangInginiG b0ses nya. iniIcp ko cncbe m0. maluNgk0t..nakakalUngk0t. tinItignAn ko siYa, malungk0t nga mukHa nyA. suMama l00b k0 na nagIng malungk0t sIya dahIl sa kwEnt0 ko.
nalUlungk0t ak0 sa kwent0 m0 kasE dI mo deserVed 'yUng ganon. niYakap niYa mga brAs0 niya,. s0brang higpit, namula yuNg balat.. dI ko mainTindihaN naraRamdaman k0, per0 nunG cncbE nyA yun,.nunG pinanod ko ginGwa nYa prAng gust0 ko syaNg kumUtan,. ntAwa nga ak0, sa isIp iSip k0, srile ko ngA di k0 maAlagaAn, siyA pa kYa?
bakIt ba kasi sa iy0 pa koH 'nagKagust0? bul0ng niyA sa srile. nKatingIn siyA sa mlayo. mayA mya, nag-aYa na sIyang man0od ng sIne,. ak0 na bumiLi ng tiCket, tp0s sa l0ob umup0 kamI sa may lik0d. hal0s wlAng laMan yunG sineHan, mangilan-ilAng anin0 lang..,
nUng ngcmUla na yUng pelikula, binaBa ko na ziPper ko,. ganUn nmAn pratI yun eh sbaY ab0t sa kmaY niyA. ngUlat nlAng ak0 sa ginWa niyA. imBis na hAwakan ak0 du0n, binAlot niyA kamay k0 sa kaMay niyA., pag gan0n, mdalaS tinatAbig ko yunG c0stumer. haseL lang yun eh. di k0 tlga maexplaIned ng mabUte kunG bakit per0 di k0 yun ginAwa,. nUng unA kamIng naghAwak, prAng may k0ntIng kuryentE. nkaKaadik,siniKipan ko pa lal0 yUng kapIt ko sA kanYa.
maYa myA, natap0s yuNg m0vie, mgkahaWak prIn kami ng kamaY. nung bInuksan na yUng ilaw, biglA siyAng bumiTaw. dumUk0t sa buLsa sbAy nagAb0t ng pEra,.
,.bro, slMat ha. sbi ko. humIngi sYa ng pseNsya kc yUn lng dAw kya niYa tap0s naglaKad paAlis.
,.wait lang, sbE ko. dI nmAn yUn ung dhLan bat Ak0 naGpsaLamat.
.,bKit k nagppSalmat? tn0ng niYa.
inIsip k0 kung sSbhIn ko, na kUng msYado nA ba aqng ngiGing komp0rtable. tInignan ko siYa sa maTa. di nMan niYa inalis yUng tingin nyA. tanGina ak0 nMan kinaBahan.
,.firSt tyM k0 kce mno0d nG m0viE na mAy ksMa. ngUmiti sYa., tp0S prAng may sSbihiN siYa per0 di nIya tinul0y. ngumIti siYa ulit tap0s lumaBas na ng sinEhan. inisIp k0 kuNg makikiTa ko pa kaYa siya?
fIrst tyM ko kcE man0od ng m0vIe n maY ksMa. yUn lng nsBe k0 sa knYa pr0 sa tutu0 lng, andamE k0ng gust0ng sbHin. di k0 mainTindihan kung an0 nangyarI. magpApara0s lang nman kMe dpaT. dapAt aalIs din sIya agad. an0ng nangyare? nUng nakaup0 kme duon, magkhaWak aNg amiNg kamaY,. pkIramdam k0 i aM righT weR i bel0ng., praNg sa lakI ng siyUdad, sa dInamI damI ng lugAr na pwEdeng puntaHan at ta0 na makAkasAma, sakt0 lNg ung knalaLagyan q. dI k0 kaIlangan magpUnta kuNg saAn maN. pKiramdaM ko, sa uNang pagkaKataon, I am hoMe.
may milyon-mily0ng ta0 sa pIlipinas., sabI nila, lHat daW tay0 may kwent0., ikAw, an0ng kwent0 mo?
♫: Maldita | Porque (2011)
Co-conspirator: manilabitch
Wow, jejenese na may acuity sa gamit ng "nang" at "ng", hehehe. \m/
ReplyDelete@Undoy: haha meron ba? *scrolls up* I'm sure may inconsistencies yan. Parati ko napapagpalit yung mga yun eh. haha
ReplyDeleteHaha usually I don't like reading stuff sa ganitong lengwahe (jejenese) but natapos ko sya! haha...may isang word na di ko na-gets pero keri lang...
ReplyDeleteI liked the story nyl.. :)
@carlo: salamat at tinapos mo. hehe anong word yun? sisilipin ko.
ReplyDeleteang hirap basahin pero ayos ang story. nakakalungkot, parang nadala din ako :)
ReplyDelete@Ester: salamat at binasa mo parin. narealize ko it really is a daunting read. nakarelate ka ba? sana nagtranslate yung feelings despite the jejenese. lol
ReplyDeletein fairness, nabasa ko ng walang hirap. hahaha.
ReplyDelete@Rei: Wow, talent yan! haha I'm gonna publish the English version (maybe) tomorrow. Kahit ako, sumasakit ulo ko sa kaniya. haha
ReplyDeletehahah. chos. so pwede na akong sumali sa Pilipinas Got Talent Season 3? hahah.
ReplyDelete@Rei: Go large! Tell them you're fluent in Jejenese. haha Tapos sing loosely translated songs. Magandang gimik yan.
ReplyDeletei had to cut the reading... i jumped from one bold line to another. hehe then read the last few paragraphs. nahirapan ako magbasa.
ReplyDeletebut i like how it went.
@Viktor: I'm su-sorreh, sir. haha I'm not sure this experiment was successful but I think it was a wonderful learning experience.
ReplyDeleteif i read this easily, will that make me a jeje?
ReplyDeletewhat makes this post special is that it is utterly pointless...
can't wait for the English translation.... yaiy
at hayup ka, wala akong kinalaman dito, co-conspirator ka diyan!
@YJ: Di naman. haha It just means you have a greater awareness of up and coming dialects. lol
ReplyDeleteAnd you were sooo my co-conspirator. Salamat sa tulong mo. You were my jeje-resource person.
(just kidding pohz. haha I just bounced ideas off of him and he warned me that if I published this, I'd have two followers left- him and Victor. haha)
And re: English translation, baka ekis na. I think I should just see this out. Experiment nga diba. No one ever pushed their boundaries by being safe. At least I learned a few things from this post. hehe
its a good read.
ReplyDeletesori for the rude intrusion. mejo inconceivable na out of school youth nagsulat nito. maybe u can change the premise to--- an 11 yr old boy who excelled academically then his mother died...tapos yun na.
to explain kung bakit super introspective siya and all at kung bakit gumagamit siya ng english from time to time.
other than that, its a good read.
(you can delete this if you want, no offense meant)
@Kerli: Hello! Welcome to my blog.
ReplyDeleteI love this. Honest feedback!! :) Hindi ko idi-delete. Pero okay lang if I (awkawardly) try to explain?
re: the main character. I thought of that too. I wrote him so he's around my age so he should be around 13 during the father flashback. Kung introspective talaga yung personality niya, I figured may manifestations na dapat yun at that time. May pagka-emo kasi ako when I was 13 (maski naman ngayon haha) Pero may inconsistencies siya sa time kasi andami nang naraid sa Cubao. Sinuggest ni manilabitch na gawin kong Avenida pero di kasi ako familiar sa lugar na yun eh.
As for the english phrases, I wanted the feel of someone who learned to speak/write through watching movies. Kaya may issues with diction at verb tenses.
Salamat for the wonderful input. I'm always thirsty for little nuggets like that. Don't worry about offending me. Parang opposite nga nagaganap eh. :)
so avant garde. a little bird told me you are good and so i followed. he is correct.
ReplyDelete@^travis: and da who is dis litel burd. litel din ba ang burd niya? chos
ReplyDeleteSalamat naman sa iyong kind words. Nakaka-flatten. ;) And the feeling is mutual. I followed you the moment I landed on your blog. Well, di naman on that exact moment. May ilang seconds na nagna-navigate pa ako. haha
Pasensya na ha pero wala talaga ako pasensya sa pagbabasa ng jeje ganito.
ReplyDelete:) i'll just wait for the english post, sana lanmg hindi rin ganito ang text.
pag nagkataon, call na lang, mas madali, mas convenient. LOL
@Pepe: Ooh, a jeje-hater! haha I don't blame you. Madami-dami naman talaga.
ReplyDeleteMedyo naco-confuse ako. Call what?
good story...
:) i read it slowly hahaha keber ang jeje text!dun ako sa istorya! ;) it could be your version of eleven minutes :)
ReplyDelete@JJ: Thank you, sir. :)
ReplyDelete@Yehosue: Welcome to my blog! I haven't read 11 Minutes pero Winikipedia ko siya. Seems interesting. May slight fascination ako for that kind of life. Parang ang daming opportunities to explore different emotions. ;p
*blink* *blink*
ReplyDelete@LOF: This post wasn't meant to alienate this much people. I guess I should've put that in the disclaimer. lolz
ReplyDeleteI'm clueless. But let me just say this about that:
ReplyDeleteI looked up jejepepenesee (whatever) and was quite engaged by the "scholarly" explanations I found about this, this, um this sociolect effort at dialect creation. One short description on Wikipedia said that the Urban Dictionary calls the Jejemons who speak this, this, um sociolect, are people who have managed to "subvert the English language to the point of incomprehensibility."
Well hell! Why didn't you say that in the first place!?
Now having said all that, let me say this: I can speak and write jejenese fluently. All it takes is a 12Pack of Budweiser and a couple of shots, and I'm there, baby! Hell yeah!
jAjaJa, jAjaJa, jeJejE, jeJejE!!!!
@Rick: I thought for sure you'd skip this one. haha jeje is Filipino ghetto speak so you might need a few bottles more. lol
ReplyDeleteaWWW P0wh. anG SweET nmn, 2 thNK~ NA~ NaisIp~ ng ISNg JejEmOn Na I M HOMe p0WH. nTaWa~ aq Sa unG c0mMenT~ P0wH. maiDAgdAg Q lnG ang TamnG pggMIT nG Ibt~ IbA P0WH.~ Jeje p0Wh.
ReplyDeleteaNG dAlI QNg nGWa No, N0H?~ MY~ jEjen2r nA Kz p0wH. e2~ AnG LiNk o,~ vKaH MY PRT 2~ pA~ kZ jEJE: hTTp://klOKoHan P0Wh.Gwp0 p0wH.Frih~ P0Wh.PHp
unfortunately i sing like a dying cow (no joke). hahah. i guess i'll stay as is. di ko naman dream maging singer.
ReplyDeleteEto yung link, fail yung nauna:
@Kris: effort ka naman, sir. lol I actually tried that out. kaso it was too distracting. parang I didn't want to go full-jeje. nakakatakot.
ReplyDelete@rei: dying cow? okay lang yan. si Ken lee din naman. hehe
I just read my translated comment. Yes, I think it was too much and the 'P0Wh' was irritating. Haha.
ReplyDelete@Chris: so although I got a totally bitching headache after all that translating, I think if was worth it. it should be a little understandable since it's not full-blown jejenese p0hhz lol
ReplyDeletecute nung pagkasulat. natapos ko na isang upuan. success !!!
@Desperate Houseboy: Salamat for dropping by, sir! :)
ReplyDeletemasakit siya sa ulo basahin, pero once you get the hang of it, once you finish the story, it was worth it.
ReplyDeleteang ganda. may puso. very relatable.
pero cb, wag mo na uulitin ganito. :P
@Engel: Uy! Long time no read ha. :)
ReplyDeleteSalamat sa iyong comment. Wag ka mag-alala. Huling jeje-post ko na 'to. I told YJ na I was afraid of posting it this way kasi it was a little too gimmicky. Kung ako din, baka na-turn off na ako. haha Salamat at binasa mo parin. :)
i wasn't alienated. i just realized after straining to read your post that the indiscriminate change of case is an eye strain when written in paragraph form... *blink* *blink*
ReplyDelete@LOF: Super duper. It was also hard because at times, the Shift button is pressed randomly. As in. And there are times when it looks forced, like you pressed it too many times. Super haggard.
ReplyDeleteI hope you were able to see through it though. :(
hello CB.
ReplyDeletepinilit kong basahin nung umpisa at natapos ko siya. haha, love story pala yun! or parang ganun na nga. haha
it was a good read kahit jeje.
ang ganda nmn friend! feeling ko habang binabasa ko parang nakikita ko na rin! xixi certified jejemongi ka tlga friend! hahaha effortless! hahahaha mwah
ReplyDelete@green breaker: salamat at tinapos mo. pasensiya na at nageffort ka pa. oo, screwed up love story. yun yung mga hilig ko eh.
ReplyDelete@Cha: ang sweet naman ng friend ko o. haha jejemongi? bago ba yun? lol I miss u!!
Parts of this hit so close to home.
ReplyDeleteI'm not really a fan of jejenese (?) but it's always refreshing to see something out of the ordinary.
Kudos for taking a risk. :)
@Manech: And I cited you! haha Parang thesis lang. ;p
ReplyDeletecitybuoy, they use this way of writing when sending SMS di ba? lol
so instead of trying to write this way or instead of me exerting effort to understand the text when i receive one, i'd rather call. much much much easier.
@Pepe: Okay, yun pala yun. haha Fuck yeah, call nalang. Kaya pala ang laki ng bill ko parati. Nauubos sa kakakausap sa ating jeje brethren. lol
ReplyDeletePutang ina. Inferness, masakit siya sa bangs.
ReplyDeleteI loved the story though, weird but I can feel like as if it was actually you telling your story- Chos.
I miss you all too. I heard marami Na daw ang non smoking cafe. Pano Na yan?!
Xo *hugs*
@Herbs: Wow, LOF, Engel, YJ and now Herbs all in the same post comments. I feel like the old times have returned!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, non-smoking na ang Starbucks. Pero Kopiroti and Coffee Bean are still yosi-friendly. May araw din yang mga non-smoking places na yan. Once I quit my coffee addiction, hinding hindi na talaga ako babalik!!!
when the pugnosed freakazoid speaketh, the pugnosed freakazoids respondeth.
ReplyDelete@LOF: gosh! I felt like I was Marilyn and you called me Norma Jean! haha
ReplyDeleteI'm norma jean. =P
ReplyDelete@LOF: You can't be Norma Jean. I'd like to think my Marilyn days are coming. Like baka na-traffic lang sa EDSA. haha
ReplyDeleteIf we were to base it on the HBO biopic where both characters exist on the same level, maybe I can be Norma Jean to my future Marilyn and you can be the Safeguard konsensiya. lol
may milyon-milyong tao sa pilipinas. sabi nila, lahat daw tayo may kuwento.
ReplyDeletetatlong araw ko na iniisip, bakit ito ang ikinuwento mo?
@Alter: Hey Alter! Wow, I didn't think anyone would ask this question. So, I'll really think about it ha. (naku mukhang mapapahaba ito)
ReplyDeleteThe original story (the first part) was written when I was really young. It was back when I killed every character in my stories except for the main one. I thought it was really sad and prior to publishing this, I had always wanted to use it.
Now, it took me some time before I could think of a continuation that would mesh well with it. For starters, and amateurish nung flow so that was a challenge. I wrote it in English but I felt it was too alien, something that would require the reader's involvement for it to be truly effective. I just wasn't sure how I was going to do that. I translated it to Filipino since most of the dialog was written that way anyway but it still wasn't as interactive as I wanted it to be.
Then I thought of Jejenese. I have several trainees who text that way and it always requires me to really think about what the senders want to say. The story is quite lengthy and with the added distortion of the language used, it requires people to excert a lot of effort to get to the end. It turned off some people, alienated a few but for the others who stayed till the end, it seems like it wasn't as bad as it initially seemed.
That being said, I felt like the main character is just like how this story is written. At first glance, nakaka-turn off. You wouldn't waste your time with him kasi boys like him are a dime a dozen. But if you look closer, you'll find na may kwento siya. If you took the effort to read this story, you'll see that the ending isn't as shoddy as the beginning.
So the character is the story and if you don't look closer, you wouldn't realize what's there.
(wow ang haba nga. sorry naman)
and i was wondering as well where your question came from back there. haha
ReplyDeletethe story flowed by itself, perhaps because just like any other story, you wouldn't know how it would end. i read it thrice. it just didn't smell like you, i couldn't find any traces of you at all.
so i was thinking maybe, you were just trying something new. i don't know about the others but i'd still read it even without the disclaimer. :)
i wonder what's next.
@Alter: It didn't smell like me? What an interesting way to put it. Maybe I'm the antithesis of jeje. Or maybe I just got swallowed by this story.
ReplyDeleteWhat's next? I'm planning this story written from three different characters. I want to practice patience with the stories, parang the way Aris can break stories up. Sobrang gusto ko yun.
Bakit pag ikaw sinasagot ko, ang daldal ko? hmm...
as in jimeny cricket? thanks for triggering my anorexia-based fat issues. lol
ReplyDelete@lof: of course not!! in all the safeguard commercials, the konsensiya looks just like the person! haha so you're dark and shorter like me!! haha
ReplyDeleteHi citybuoy,
ReplyDeleteWahahaha, hindi ko nakayanan ang post.. Huhu, I failed. I'll try again to read this probably kapag walang work. Hehe, in fairness, matyaga ka sa pag transalate to jeje-text ah..
And oh, please call me Dick. :)
Dick E
why not? i kinda liked it. really. and i hope you were not being mahiyain.
ReplyDeleteremember? it's just us. :p
can't wait to read the next material.
@Dick: Amsusurreh. Promise, this'll be the last of the Jejenese posts. haha
ReplyDelete@Alter: Mahiyain kasi talaga ako. ;p Salamat, kuya! (Wow, channeling manilabitch?)
Classic yang jejemon speak. Sana gawing official language sa school. Now na. Now na. :P
ReplyDeleteMedyo challenge basahin. But sweet. Di ka ba nahirapan sulatin?
ReplyDelete@Andy: it's so crazy, it just might work. jeje an hour every day. Baka mahighlight yung other subjects.
ReplyDelete@Peter: it was! haha I had the most massive headache ever. epic levelings. I didn't want to just run it through a JavaScript. I figured if I wanted it to seem real, j had to do it the hard way. haha
Oh yes, and big thanks for the "citation". I suddenly felt like a reference material. Hahaha.
ReplyDeleteYou ruined it for me kasi sinabi mo kaagad sa akin kung kanino mo kinuha yung inspiration mo sa jejemon ahahahaha.JK. Seriously I liked how you avoided any kalaswaan hehehe. You wanna make this into an indie film? LOL.
ReplyDeleteGanyan siguro talaga ang buhay pero tama naman sya, no matter what, life go on. LOL.
@Manech: With the way we view your work, you may as well be. haha
ReplyDelete@Glentot: Sorry naman. But were you able to pick out the little bits and pieces of our friend? haha
Indie film? Baka Indie-sumikat eh. haha
@citybuoy: on top of my head, i'd say "you're good! really nice post!"
ReplyDeletebut then, my eyes were sore after reading your post.. i guess i'm not used to reading jejenese.. but it's an "in" thing.. so why not?!
i love your take on how the character, the main one, had a change of heart after spending time with the "neophyte".. and how the "neophyte" took courage and went out of his way (since he's usually shy) to spend time with this seemingly different-than-the-usual pickup guy.. really nice..
onsider it a success! the needt o use this uhm form of writing was apt for the caharacter... i still followed the story to the end kahit na nahirapan ako. so yeah, it's good one. :)
ReplyDeleteTangina effort! Ang galing nyo phowz! :D
ReplyDelete@Nate: Sorry for making your eyes sore! I hope it doesn't become a full "in" thing. Imagine the blogosphere riddled with jejemons. That would be scary.
ReplyDelete@Viktor: Thanks for sticking to the story. I know it wasn't an easy read. :)
@James: sLmat p0hz! ;)
@citybuoy: don't worry about it.. it's no biggie.. apology accepted.. --- "Sorry for making your eyes sore!"
ReplyDeleteand enough with the visualizations already.. waah!! --- "I hope it doesn't become a full "in" thing. Imagine the blogosphere riddled with jejemons. That would be scary."
@Nate: ..,wHy nmAn p0hz? dbA mgndA uN?
ReplyDeleteAng ganda.
ReplyDeleteYun lang ang nasabi ko talaga.
@Ayie: Hello po! Welcome to my blog. Salamat sa pag-daan. :)
ReplyDeleteI have no idea how this situation can get any more realistic on paper. Galing Nyl, lavets.
ReplyDeleteMomel: Oh wow, you actually went! (came yung una kong sinulat pero parang ang bastos! Salamat, Ate Momel! :)